Thursday, 12 April 2012

The future awaits

Million-selling author John Kehoe’s latest book will blow your mind

When John Kehoe first wrote that our thoughts create our reality, he says, he
might just as well have told the world that aliens had landed. Now, 25 years later, he’s written Quantum Warrior: The Future of the Mind, which quite astoundingly talks about quantum time (where the past and the future
are one, both conceptually and experientially) allowing us to heal ourselves from the future. And instead of responding with incredulity, people are sitting up and listening.

“Controversy is never a bad thing,” he says with a laugh. “It means you’re pushing the edge a little bit. If everyone is agreeing with everything you say, it’s usually a bad sign, because it means you’re just saying what everybody knows. This was a bold vision, I’m the first to admit it, but it’s 100% real, and that’s what’s so exciting.”

Even though most human beings are not even remotely aware of the “quantum reality” that John says we have always been a part of, we have made huge intellectual shifts in the last few decades. But according to John people are becoming part of what he calls the “great awakening” at a rapid pace.

“We must remember that evolution measures itself in thousands, tens of thousands, millions of years. I think about the shifts we’ve made in my
small 35 years of teaching. When I first came out with my book Mind Power into the 21st Century, where I said that your thoughts create your reality, oh my God, it was like I was from the moon! People thought it was just outrageous, but now it’s so accepted. In a mere quarter of a century, what’s happened with people’s consciousness is huge.”

John envisions a world where one tenth of 1% of us take responsibility for what we are – a body, a soul, a subconscious, and a mind, all of which can be integrated to live a happy, successful and satisfying life. But to integrate these four facets of our being takes courage and perseverance – hence the word “warrior” in the book’s title.

The way of the warrior
Applying John’s seven disciplines is an emotional and intellectual adventure that not everyone will undertake. But he says the most common mistake his readers make is keeping his words as a philosophy, without elevating them to a practice.

“To be a quantum warrior is to be an athlete of the mind, if your mental fitness and the evolution of yourself is important to you. It means that you are aware of this and that you take time every day. It’s working out in the mind, just as you work out in your body.”

It seems like a tall order. When John first conceptualised the theories promulgated in Mind Power, he retreated to the wilderness of British Columbia to complete three years of study and contemplation. In practice this is
a luxury few can afford. In fact, in the fast-paced lives we lead, finding even just a few minutes of spare time can be a challenge. Yet John remains adamant that technology and consciousness are advancing together.

“Life doesn’t unfold neatly, although we want it to,” he says with a laugh. “It’s messy, all births are messy, and this one will be too. But my God, would
you ever want it to go away? I cannot imagine what I did without Google! So we accept the good parts of it. It’s about discernment, discretion and making choices. We have to know when to shut off, and we have to learn that the real wealth in our lives is our own being and what goes on inside us.”

Equally unexpected but intriguing is John’s opinion that the world’s current state of crisis is a good thing. “From an evolutionary point of view, going through the Darwinian model, as a species is pushed in a certain direction, it adapts accordingly. So what I’m speculating is that if that’s how it works with the physical bodies of species, why wouldn’t it also work the same way with consciousness?

“Now, with neuroplasticity – I love that word! You can throw it around the dinner party, but really it just refers to the brain rewiring itself according to the content it’s exposed to – it makes sense to me that if we’re at this edge where our species is either going to evolve or die, this might be the shift in consciousness that some of us need. One tenth of 1% of us, that’s the magic number that will shift.”

Some might see it as a burden to carry the flame of consciousness across a sea of sceptics, but John relishes the opportunity.

“It’s an adventure; a ticket to the best show in town,” he enthuses. “We’re talking about the awakening and the soul. You do it because it’s the pearl of
great price; you do it because it’s a glorious adventure. And when you start working in these realms it’s just so full of exciting discoveries and dynamic ideas. There’s zero burden.”

*This article was first published in the April issue of Sandton magazine.

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